Hair Transplant in Turkey

Many men and women sooner or later suffer from baldness. Are you not satisfied with hair loss? We offer an affordable solution for baldness: a hair transplant. During a hair transplant, your own hair is moved to where your hair has fallen or has become thinner.

In western European countries a hair transplant is a costly treatment. A hair transplant in Turkey is a very affordable alternative: you pay almost half of the amount you would pay in the European western countries. We can achieve this by carrying out many treatments and because labor costs and housing costs in Turkey are much lower. That way we keep the prices very low and at the same time we can offer you the very best quality.

Hair transplant clinic in Turkey

Hair transplants are performed in our specialized clinic in Turkey.

An ultra-modern hair transplant clinic
Our ultra-modern clinic has all the facilities to carry out hair transplants. The clinic works with the latest equipment. The team that provides your hair transplant has a lot of experience and is aware of the latest techniques. Doctor Ozgur NALBANT in Turkey has a good reputation to uphold when it comes to hair transplants. There is a lot of knowledge and expertise available and that certainly applies to our hair specialist.

A reliable address
The hair clinic has a good reputation and hundreds of people are operated before you. When you read the customer experiences, you will notice that our customers are very positive about both the clinic and the hair physician. You undergo a modern and successful hair transplant in our hair clinic, where you can also save thousands of euro’s. During your treatment you will stay in an excellent hotel near the clinic.